Home Name Document Number Document Type Map Recording Date Book and Page (1986-1993) Old Book Options Welcome to the Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder's Official Records Index Search by Name All Grantor Grantee Please enter Person's LAST Name [space] FIRST Name(ex. smith allison) or fraction there of (ie. smith a) or enter Business Name Allow Partial Match MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Number Document Numbers Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Book and Page Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Recording Date MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Type MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types ABANDONMENT ABANDONMENT OF HOMESTEAD ABATEMENT ABSTRACT JUDGMENT ACCEPTANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ADDENDUM AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT DECLARATION TRUSTEE AFFIDAVIT/DEATH AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION LOST NOTE AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION PUBLICATION AGREEMENT AGREEMENT LIEN AGREEMENT SUBDIVISION ALCALDE - ALCALADE AMD CHILD SUPPORT ORDER AMEND CONSERVATION EASEMENT AMEND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS AMEND PERMIT AMEND RESTATED DEED OF TRUST AMENDED ABATEMENT AMENDED ACCEPTANCE AMENDED AFFIDAVIT AMENDED AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION DEATH AMENDED AGREEMENT AMENDED ANNEXATION AMENDED APPOINTMENT AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AMENDED ASSIGNMENT AMENDED ASSIGNMENT LEASE AMENDED ASSIGNMENT OF DEED TRUST AMENDED ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AMENDED BANKRUPTCY AMENDED BOND AMENDED CERTIFICATE AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION AMENDED CONDOMINIUM PLAN AMENDED CONSTRUCTION DEED OF TRUST AMENDED CONTRACT AMENDED DECLARATION AMENDED DECLARATION HOMESTEAD AMENDED DECLARATION OF TRUST AMENDED DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION AMENDED DEED AMENDED DEED TRUST AMENDED EASEMENT AMENDED JUDGMENT AMENDED LEASE AMENDED LETTERS AMENDED LIEN AMENDED MAP AMENDED MEMO LEASE AMENDED MEMORANDUM AMENDED NOTICE AMENDED NOTICE OF PENDING ACTION AMENDED OIL & GAS LEASE AMENDED OPTION AMENDED ORDER AMENDED ORDER/DECREE AMENDED ORDINANCE AMENDED PARCEL MAP AMENDED PARTNERSHIP AMENDED POWER OF ATTORNEY AMENDED RECONVEYANCE AMENDED RECORD SURVEY AMENDED RELEASE AMENDED SATISFACTION AMENDED SECURITY AGREEMENT AMENDED STATE HIGHWAY MAP AMENDED SUBDIVISION MAP AMENDED SUBSTITUTE OF TRUSTEE AMENDED TRUST AMENDED WITHDRAWAL AMENDED/MODIFICATION LAND CONTRACT AMENDMENT AMENDMENT STATEMENT ANNEXATION ANNULMENT APPLICATION APPOINTMENT ARBITRATION ARMY_ENLIST - ARMY ENLISTED ARMY_OFFICER - ARMY OFFICER ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ASGT_M - ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE ASGT_M - ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE & LEASE ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DIAG MAP (PROPOSED) ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ASSESSMENT MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT DEED TR ASSIGNMENT LEASE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT ATTY - POWER OF ATTORNEY BANKRUPTCY BART MAP BART MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 BILL OF SALE BIRTH CERTIFICATE ABROAD BLANK PAGE BOND BRANDS - MARKS AND BRANDS BUILDERS CONTRACT CANCELLATION CEMETERY MAP CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION CERTIFICATE OF DELINQUENCY CERTIFICATE OF NON ATTACHMENT CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION CERTIFICATE OF SALE CERTIFICATION OF TR CERTIFICATION REVOC TRUST CERTS - CERT.SALE NON-PAY IMP. BOND CERTS - CERTIFICATION OF SALE OF REAL CERTS - TAX SALES CHARTER CHAT_M - CHATTEL MORTGAGES CONDOMINIUM PLAN CONSENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSTRUCTION DEED OF TRUST CONTRACT CONTRACT OF SALE COVENANTS DEATH CERTIFICATE ABROAD DECLARATION DECLARATION COUNTY/CITY ROAD DECLARATION COVENANTS COND/RESTRICTION DECLARATION HOMESTEAD DECLARATION OF TRUST DECR_D - DECREES OF DISTRIBUTION DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION DEDICATION DEED DEED (2015 & PRIOR) DEED OF TRUST DEEDS - DEEDS DISCHARGE DISCHARGE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN DISCHARGES - HONORABLE DISCHARGES DISCLAIMER DISMISSAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT EASEMENT DEED ESTARY - ESTARY FICTITIOUS DEED OF TRUST FINANCING STATEMENT FORECLOSURE COMMISSIONER DESIGNATION GARBAGE LIEN GRANT DEED RIGHTS GRANT LIEN HISTORICAL MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 HOMES - HOMESTEADS INJUNCTION JUDGMENT LAND - LAND CLAIMS LAND CONTRACT LEASE LETTERS LICENSE LIEN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT MAP MARINES - MARINES MECHANICS LIEN MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM LEASE MEMORANDUM TR MERGER MILITARY DISCHARGE-PUBLIC MISC - MISCELLANEOUS MISC_DISC - MISCELLENIOUS DISCHARGE MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION MODIFICATION MODIFICATION AGR / DT MORTGAGE MORTGAGES - MORTGAGES NAVY - NAVY NAVY_RESERVE - NAVY RESERVER NOT SPECIFIED NOTICE NOTICE ACCEPTANCE NOTICE ATTACHMENT NOTICE LEVY NOTICE OF ADVANCE NOTICE OF CESSATION NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE NOTICE OF DEFAULT NOTICE OF NON ACCEPTANCE NOTICE OF NON COMPLIANCE NOTICE OF NON RESPONSIBILITY NOTICE OF PAYMENT NOTICE OF PENDING ACTION NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF TRANSFER NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE OFFICIAL MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 OIL & GAS LEASE OPTION ORDER CONFIRMING SALE ORDER/DECREE/STIPULATION ORDER ORDINANCE OYSTER - OYSTER BED PARCEL MAP PARCEL MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT PARTIAL CERTIFICATE PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE PARTIAL RELEASE PARTIAL SATISFACTION PARTIAL TERMINATION PARTNERSHIP PATENT PATENT - PATENTS PAYMENT OF CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT PEND_A - PENDENCY OF ACTION PERMIT PETITION PLANS & SPECS POWER OF ATTORNEY PROOF OF PUBLICATION QUITCLAIM DEED RATIFICATION RECONVEYANCE RECORD SURVEY MAP REINSTATE DEED OF TRUST REINSTATEMENT LIEN REL AGREEMENT REL/ASMT REL/ASMT LEASE REL/ASMT RENTS RELEASE RELEASE BOND/MECHANICS LIEN BOND RELEASE LIEN RELEASE OF MORTGAGE RELEASE OF OBLIGATION RELINQUISHMENT REPORT REQUEST EXEMPTION REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF TRUSTEES DEED REQUEST NOTICE DEFAULT RESCISSION RESCISSION DEED RESCISSION NOTICE DEFAULT RESCISSION/CANCELLATION RECON RESIGNATION RESOLUTION RESTRICTIVE COVENANT MODIFICATION REVOCABLE TRANSFER DEATH DEED REVOCATION REVOCATION OF TRUST REVOCATION POWER ATTORNEY RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL SATISFACTION SATS_M - SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGES SECURITY AGREEMENT SQRL - SQUIRREL LIENS STALL - SATLLION REGISTER STATE HIGHWAY MAP STATE HIGHWAY MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 STATEMENT SUBDIVISION MAP SUBDIVISION MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE SUPPORT JUDGMENT / ORDER SURRENDER SURRENDER OF OIL & GAS LEASE SURVEY MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 TERMINATION TRUSTEES DEED UCC AMENDMENT UCC ASSIGNMENT UCC CONTINUATION UCC CORRECTION UCC FINANCING STATEMENT UCC PARTIAL RELEASE UCC TERMINATION / RELEASE UNKNOWN VACATION WAIVER WATER - WATER RIGHTS WITHDRAWAL WRIT Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Map MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types AMENDED MAP AMENDED PARCEL MAP AMENDED STATE HIGHWAY MAP AMENDED SUBDIVISION MAP ASSESSMENT DIAG MAP (PROPOSED) ASSESSMENT MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 BART MAP BART MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 CEMETERY MAP HISTORICAL MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 MAP OFFICIAL MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 PARCEL MAP PARCEL MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 RECORD SURVEY MAP STATE HIGHWAY MAP STATE HIGHWAY MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 SUBDIVISION MAP SUBDIVISION MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 SURVEY MAP - PRIOR TO 2001 Search Map Filed Prior to 2001 To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Step #1 - Search Index Books Grantees From 01/01/1849 To 05/31/1917 Grantors From 01/01/1849 To 05/31/1917 Grantees From 06/01/1917 To 12/31/1927 Grantors From 06/01/1917 To 12/31/1927 Grantees From 01/01/1928 To 12/31/1932 Grantors From 01/01/1928 To 12/31/1932 Grantees From 01/01/1933 To 12/31/1939 Grantors From 01/01/1933 To 12/31/1939 Grantees From 01/01/1940 To 12/31/1943 Grantors From 01/01/1940 To 12/31/1943 Grantees From 01/01/1944 To 12/31/1946 Grantors From 01/01/1944 To 12/31/1946 Grantees From 01/01/1947 To 12/31/1949 Grantors From 01/01/1947 To 12/31/1949 Grantees From 01/01/1950 To 06/30/1952 Grantors From 01/01/1950 To 06/30/1952 Grantees From 07/01/1952 To 06/30/1954 Grantors From 07/01/1952 To 06/30/1954 Grantees From 07/01/1954 To 06/30/1956 Grantors From 07/01/1954 To 06/30/1956 Grantees From 07/01/1956 To 06/30/1958 Grantors From 07/01/1956 To 06/30/1958 Grantees From 07/01/1958 To 12/31/1959 Grantors From 07/01/1958 To 12/31/1959 Grantees From 01/01/1960 To 06/30/1961 Grantors From 01/01/1960 To 06/30/1961 Grantees From 07/01/1961 To 12/31/1962 Grantors From 07/01/1961 To 12/31/1962 Grantees From 01/01/1963 To 06/30/1964 Grantors From 01/01/1963 To 06/30/1964 Grantees From 07/01/1964 To 12/31/1965 Grantors From 07/01/1964 To 12/31/1965 Grantees From 01/01/1966 To 06/30/1967 Grantors From 01/01/1966 To 06/30/1967 Grantees From 07/01/1967 To 12/31/1967 Grantors From 07/01/1967 To 12/31/1967 All Records From 01/01/1968 To 12/31/1968 All Records From 01/01/1969 To 12/31/1973 All Records From 01/01/1974 To 12/31/1978 All Records From 01/01/1979 To 12/31/1984 All Records From 01/01/1985 To 12/31/1985 0 - 9 0-9 0-9 0-9 0-9 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A - B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B Aa-Am AA-AM AN-AZ An-Az B B B B B B B B B-BAL B-Bar Ba-Bn Ba-Bn BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BA-BN BAM- BAS- Bas-B Bi-Bq BL-BQ Bo-Bz Bo-Bz BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ BO-BZ Br-Bt BR-BZ Bu-Bz C C C C C C C C C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C - D C-Car C-D C-D C-D C-D CA-CD Ca-Cn Ca-Cn CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN CA-CN Cas-C CE-CN Ci-Cn CO-CQ Co-Cz Co-Cz CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ CO-CZ Coa-C Coo-C CR-CZ D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D-Del DA-DN Dem-D Di-Do DO-DZ Dow-D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E - G E-G E-G E-G E-G Ea-Ek El-Ez F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FA-FK Fa-Fl FL-FZ Fo-Fz G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Ga-Gh GA-GQ Gi-Gq Gr-Gz GR-GZ H H H H H H H H H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H - K H-Har H-K H-K H-K H-K HA-HD Ha-Hn Ha-Hn HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN HA-HN Hart- HE-HN Hea-H Hi-Hn Ho-Hz HO-HZ Ho-Hz Ho-Hz HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ HO-HZ I I I I I I I I I I - J I - J I - J I - J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J I-J J J J J J J J J Ja-Jn Jo-Jz K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Kim Kin-K L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L - M L-M L-M L-M L-M La-Ld LA-LH Le-Lh Li-Lt LI-LZ Lu-Lz M M M M M M M M M-Mar MA-MB Ma-Md Ma-Md MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD MA-MD Mart- MC-MD ME Me-Mh ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ ME-MZ Me-Mz Me-Mz MF-MO Mi-Mo MOO-M Mos-M N N N N N N N N N - O N - O N - O N - O N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N - R N -R N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-R N-R N-R N-R Na-Nn No-Nz O O O O O O O O O P P P P P P P P P - Q P - Q P - Q P - Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q P-Q Pa-Pg Pa-Ph Ph-Pz Pi-Pz Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Ra-Rh Ra-Rh Ri-Rn Ri-Rn Ro-Rz Ro-Rz S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sa-Sb Sa-Sb SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL SA-SL Sa-Sl Sa-Sl Sc-Se Sc-Sh Sf-Sl Si-Sn Sm-Ss SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ SM-SZ Sm-Sz Sm-Sz So-Sz St-Sz T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T - Z T-Z T-Z T-Z Ta-Th Ta-Th Ti-Tz Ti-Tz U U U U U U U U U U - V U - V U - V U - V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V U-V V V V V V V V V V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W X X X X X X X X X - Z X - Z X - Z X - Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z X-Y-Z XYZ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Display Index Step #2 - Search Index Books Display Fiche Cell Step #3 - Search Document ALCALDE ALCALADE ARMY_ENLIST ARMY ENLISTED ARMY_OFFICER ARMY OFFICER ASGT_M ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE ASGT_M ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE & LEASE ATTY POWER OF ATTORNEY BRANDS MARKS AND BRANDS CERTS CERT.SALE NON-PAY IMP. BOND CERTS CERTIFICATION OF SALE OF REAL CERTS TAX SALES CHAT_M CHATTEL MORTGAGES DECR_D DECREES OF DISTRIBUTION DEEDS DEEDS DISCHARGES HONORABLE DISCHARGES ESTARY ESTARY HOMES HOMESTEADS LAND LAND CLAIMS MARINES MARINES MISC MISCELLANEOUS MISC_DISC MISCELLENIOUS DISCHARGE MORTGAGES MORTGAGES NAVY NAVY NAVY_RESERVE NAVY RESERVER NOT SPECIFIEDNOT SPECIFIED OYSTER OYSTER BED PATENT PATENTS PEND_A PENDENCY OF ACTION SATS_M SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGES SQRL SQUIRREL LIENS STALL SATLLION REGISTER WATER WATER RIGHTS Display Document Search By Document Number Document Numbers From*: YYYY - NNNNNNN To: YYYY - NNNNNNN Clear fields Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Predefined Search MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Predefined Search Types* Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by (APN) Assessor Parcel Number (available on DEEDS recorded 3/3/1997 to present) APN searches may take up to one minute to produce search results. Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Legal Description Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1986 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Options (only for Search Results) 10 items per page 20 items per page 50 items per page 100 items per page Show result in Regular Format Paragraph Format Combined Format Show Short Description This change will have effect after refreshing the web site. Pushing Apply button will automatically refresh the web site and navigate you to the Home page. Show All Name Combinations in "Search By Name" Ok Apply Cancel